In other news...
Sustainable Space - Oklahoma Magazine
"In Oklahoma City, builder John Beedon, owner of Beehold Reinventions, recently purchased a 1910 home in Mesta Park, a neighborhood listed on the National Register of Historic places and designated a Historic Preservation District..."
Shipping Container - News5 - KOCO
"It's all about modern style and reusing materials for the sake of the environment..."
Bring The Green Home - Oklahoma Magazine
"John Beedon, owner of Beehold Reinvention based in Oklahoma City, specializes in insulating and sealing older double hung window systems. The counterweight pockets on the inside of the frames are not insulated and have holes for ropes, creating a substantial energy loss in winter and summer..."
January 2013 - 612 Stories
"John has been working in residential and commercial renovations since the 80s and really knows what he's doing. When James and I first bought the building, I saw John driving around Paseo so we stopped..."